Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Odyssey - Book 21 Notes

  • Penelope came up with a plan to choose which suitor to marry.  She would take twelve axes that were shaped like "P"s, and a bow of Odysseus's.  Whoever could shoot an arrow through the axes could have her hand in marriage.  However, the bow was so stiff, that no man could easily bend it, except for Odysseus.
  • Penelope retrieved the bow from the storage room, and then approached the men with her deal.  
  • Telemachus decided to try first, just for fun, and couldn't pull the string of the bow back.
  • Antinoos ordered all of the other suitors to try to shoot the arrow, but one by one, said that they didn't have the strength to pull back the string.  
  • Then suitors tried to warm and grease the bow, but that still didn't help.
  • As the suitors were trying to shoot the arrow, Odysseus pulled aside Eumaios and Philoitios (the drover), and asked them if they would defend Odysseus if he returned.  After they both replied that, yes, they would, Odysseus revealed his real self to the two servants.  
  • Odysseus then asked Eumaios to bring him the bow and the quiver, as the suitors wouldn't let him get it himself.
  • Eumaios agreed, and the three returned to the hall.
  • When they retruned, Eurymachus was trying to use the bow, but with no success.
  • Antinoos suggested that they put the bow down until tomorrow, when they would try again.  
  • When the suitors had washed their hands and had a drink of wine, Odysseus asked for a try with the bow.
  • Antinoos said no at first, but Penelope let him have a turn anyway.  Eurymachus protested that he didn't want everyone hearing that none of the suitors were able to bend the bow, when a beggar could, but Penelope still insisted that everyone who wanted a try was given one.
  • Telemachus said that, since he was the man of the house, he give the bow to the "beggar", and that she go back to her rooms.
  • Penelope went back to her room and fell asleep.
  • While Odysseus was getting ready, Eumaios went to the nanny, and said that Telemachus had asked that all of the women return to their rooms, and didn't open the doors, no matter what they heard.
  • Odysseus handled the bow so well, that all of the suitors began to worry.  At this time, Zeus sent a thunderclap down over Odysseus's palace.  
  • Then, Odysseus easily put an arrow on the string, pulled the string back, and shot the arrow through the ax heads, all while sitting down.
  • Odysseus turned to Telemachus  and gave him a sign that he had been waiting for.
  • Telemachus grabbed the remaining sword in the hall, and stood next to his father, facing the suitors.

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