Sunday, November 25, 2012

In-Class Sketches for Books 7, 8, and 24

In class we were told to draw what we thought was one of the most important events from Book 24, so I chose the very last part where Athena tells Odysseus to stop fighting, or else to fear Zeus's wrath.  As you can see, my drawing abilities are beyond compare.  And yes, Odysseus's neck was really that long.

We also had to draw important scenes from Book 7 and 8, so I chose the scenes where Odysseus hugs Arete's knees and asks her and her husband to help him on his journey home. For Book 8, I chose the part when Odysseus throws a discus farther than anyone else at Phaiacia.  Again, my prowess in drawing is displayed.  I was aiming for the clothing to look like togas, but instead it looks like they are all wearing sack dresses.  

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