Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Odyssey - Book 13 Summary

    When Odysseus finished his story, everyone was dumbfounded.  After a while, Alcinoos suggested that the Phaiacians get together gifts for Odysseus to take home.  Everyone agreed with this idea.  When the sun rose, Alcinoos himself packed the gifts onto the boat, and everyone prepared for a feast to say good-bye to Odysseus.  After everyone was finished eating, Odysseus thanked Alcinoos for his generosity, and then prayed to the Gods to bless the royal family with success and greatness.
    After the feast, Odysseus walked out to the shore where the boat to take him home was waiting.  The crew set up a bed on the deck of the ship so that Odysseus could sleep during the journey.  Odysseus fell asleep almost  immediately, and the boat left the harbor.
    The ship sailed quickly and smoothly to Ithaca before Odysseus even had the chance to wake up.  The ship crew ran the boat onto shore at the harbor of Phorcys, the Old Man of the Sea, which was in Ithaca.  Odysseus and his gifts were loaded onto the beach and the boat left, to return to Phaiacia.  Poseidon saw this and was infuriated   The Sea God went to Zeus, and asked him if he was going to do anything about Odysseus being let off of the hook so easily.  Zeus told Poseidon to do whatever he liked to the returning ship, as whatever made Poseidon happy made Zeus happy.  Poseidon decided to smash the ship on the spot and then raise mountains around the city, but Zeus suggested something better.  Zeus told Poseidon to wait in the harbor of Phaiacia and wait for the boat's return.  Once the boat was in the harbor, Zeus told Poseidon to turn the boat into stone in front of all of the citizens, to teach them a lesson.  After this was done, Poseidon could put mountains around the city.  Poseidon agreed and did just that.
    When Alcinoos saw the stone ship, he remembered a prophecy that said that one day Poseidon would be jealous that the Phaiacians gave free passage to everyone who came to their city, so Poseidon would destroy a ship and then raise mountains around the city.  Before the god could put mountains around the city as well, Alcinoos ordered for twelve of their bulls to be sacrificed to Poseidon and for no one to be offered safe convoy from that point on.  This was carried out, and Poseidon decoded not to put mountains around the city.
    Back in Ithaca. Odysseus woke up and din't know where he was.  Athena wanted to talk to Odysseus before he talked to anyone, so she had covered the area with a mist.  At first he thought that the ship had dropped him off in the wrong place and stole from him.  He looked over his loot and found that nothing was missing. Then, he saw Athena in the shape of a Sheppard, and approached her.  Odysseus asked Athena not to harm him, and asked where he was.  Athena said that the land was called Ithaca, which Odysseus was happy to hear.  Instead of revealing himself, Odysseus decided to lie, so as not to reveal his true identity.  Odysseus told Athena a fake story about his life, which made the goddess smile.  Athena then turned into herself, and congratulated Odysseus in his wit.  Athena explained that she was here to help him rid his house of the suitors and help him make a plan.
    First, Odysseus and Athena moved his treasures to a cave so that they were hidden.  After that was done, Athena told him about the men who were living in his house and helped Odysseus make a plan to get revenge.  Athena disguised Odysseus as an old man and told him to visit the faithful servant that raises Odysseus's pigs.  While Odysseus listened to the man talk, Athena said that she would help Telemachus get home safely.  With that said, the two went their separate ways.

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