Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Odyssey - Book 7

    Odysseus waited in the garden until it was almost time for dinner, when he headed into town.  When he came across a girl holding a pitcher (who was really Athena), he asked her to take him to the castle of the King.  She agreed, but told Odysseus not to talk to anyone on the way because the people in this country did not like strangers.  Athena led Odysseus to the palace and on the way covered him with a thick mist so no one could see him.  Soon they reached the castle and Athena told Odysseus to look for Queen Arete.  If she liked Odysseus, then he would be given a ship and crew to sail home with.  Odysseus walked inside, found Arete, threw his arms around her knees, and begged for her and her husband to help him.   King Alcinoos held out his hand to Odysseus and led him to seat of honor and welcomed him to their banquet.  After everyone had eaten, Alcinoos announced that the next morning he would call a meeting together of all of the men in the town to think about how to send Odysseus off.  They finished their glasses, and then headed off to bed.
    Before Odysseus was offered a bed, Arete had a question for him.  As soon as she saw him, she recognized the clothes he was wearing and ones that she had made herself.  Arete asked him who had given him the clothes if he was drifting out at sea, like he said he was.  Odysseus recounted the story of Calypso and being trapped on her island, and then his journey to the palace.  After his story was told, Alcinoos guaranteed Odysseus an escort home, saying that his ships could take him where ever he wanted to with no trouble at all.  Odysseus thanked Alcinoos and prayed to Zeus and asked him to spread the fame of Alcinoos over the entire earth.  Arete then told her servants to make a bed for Odysseus.  After this was done, everyone went to sleep.

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